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Turkey Time with the 1st Grade


First I will go to the farm to git a trcee.

Next I wash it and put it in the pan.

Then I put it in the uvin at oun degree.

Last I eat with my Dad.


First, I am goen to the DandD to by a torke.

Next I wel put it in the pan.

Then put it in the ovin for 1 minit.

Last wel eat the torke at my hous with my mom and dad.


First I am going to the wudz to kil a trke.

Next, pot it in the pa. then I put it in the uvin at 100o.

Last I eat trkey with my Mom at home.


First I am going to the wods to shwot a trce

Next I waosh the trcee and put it ina pan.

Then put it in the uvin at 150o.

Last I ma going to et trcee at my grandmaz hows.


First I am gowing in the wodse and I am gowing hunting.

nextI unrap it and put it in the pan.

Then I put it in the uvinfor 300o

I eat trckee at Nanee and Pampose cinchin table.


Forst we will go to wolmrt to by a trck.

Next I unrap and put itin a pan.

Then I will coc it in the uvin for 5 minits.

Last I will eat with my mommy at home.


First I am goying to wolmrt to buy a trce.

Next I unrap it and put it in a pan.

Then I will cooc it in the ovin for 6 dgres.

Last I will eat trce with my flamule.


Frist we ar going to shoot the trke.

Next we put in a pan.

Then we pt it in the uven for 20o.

Last we eat turko at my haus.


First I ma goen to Hena target to git a trce.

Nexttec the rapr off and put it inapan.

Then I will out in the uvin for 50o

Last I will et my trcey with my bruther at my has.


First I am going to womort to geta trcee.

Next I will go hom and I will poot it in the pan.

Then I will poot it in the uvin at 40 dugrees.

Last, I will eat it with my famllee,


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