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Census self-response starts March 12

April 1 is Census Day in the United States, but self-response for the Census starts online tomorrow, March 12 and Lewis and Clark County Commissioner Andy Hunthausen again reminded people of the importance of filling out the census at the March 6 Lincoln Government Day Meeting.

Hunthausen, a member of the Lewis and Clark County Complete Count committee, said households will be receiving an invitation to respond in the mail beginning March 12, with plans in place to reach rural residents who receive their mail at a post office box rather than their physical address.

"You will get some reminders," he said. "If you don't fill it out, they will be bugging you some more and sending more stuff. Eventually someone will knock on your door and say 'we don't have a census from this address.' So please, fill out the census."

He urged people to fill the census out online, with a reminder that it can be filled out using the library's computers for those who don't have an internet connection at home.

Hunthausen reiterated that the results of the census will have broad implications for local communities, impacting everything from education to infrastructure and beyond. Roughly $675 billion will be distributed based on the census numbers.

"The better we count, the more comes back to our communities," he said. "It's really important that you participate in the census. Please ask your neighbors to do the same."

Hunthausen also pointed out that the census could see Montana gain a second seat in the House of Representatives. Another representative also means a fourth vote for the state in the Electoral College during presidential elections.


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