The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Big Adventure

Well, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed writing my little stories for the BVD each week and I will still try to send in a few from afar. I do appreciate all the positive feedback I have received on my little stories.

There is a quote that states "We rise by lifting others." That was what I was trying to accomplish with my stories. Lifting people and organizations and thanking them for all that they do.

I have lived in Lincoln on and off for over 20 years now, but I have to say the last two years have been my most cherished, mostly from working at the school. I sure love all those kids. The teachers were very nice too, but the kids are #1! Lincoln KIDS ARE AWESOME!

I finally decided to leave mostly because my own furry kid. Trooper...well we are both getting up in years and unfortunately, dogs don't always live as long as we want them to. When people would ask me how old Trooper was, I would always lie and tell them a few years younger than what he really is, but now I have to face the music that he is getting old. He and I have been through a lot together. He has helped many times to get through deaths of loved ones and friends. I feel he has saved my life. Those of us who are not married and have no kids; well our pets are our family, our children.

To get back to the story about five years ago, I had decided that I wanted to get away from people for a while, so I got a little pull camper. A little 66 Scottsman I think, it's maybe 12-feet long. I had saved up a little money and decided to take the summer off.

The first leg of our journey took us to Browns Lake. I stayed busy by fishing the road around the lake, filling in pot holes, cleaning out and rebuilding campfire rings, picking up trash around the lake and also with the use of my kayak, was able to fish some trash out of the lake. It was just volunteer work, but the best part about it was Trooper was by my side every step of the way, and let me tell you it was the absolute best summer of my entire life. We had moved on to a couple other areas on our adventure. I basically kept doing the same thing wherever we went. Picking up trash and filling potholes, but my payment was being able to spend minutes with my beloved furry kid Trooper.

Well, I'm not sure how many more summers I will get to spend with him, so I decided this summer, once again, we will set out on another one of those journeys. But before we can get started Trooper has a little surgery coming up to remove a non-cancerous growth on his leg. I have been very worried about him, and any parent would with his age and all. He is 13, that's getting old for a lab unfortunately.

I just today had my friend from Drummond come up and get him. With the senseless explosions that have been going off every weekend since March, that scare the living tar out of him...well I did not want him to have to endure any more of that before his surgery. Although we have never been apart, I know it is best for him at this time, because with the 4th coming up, it will only get worse with all the big boom's, etc. He is my kid.

I have plans on being completely moved by the end of July. That will give us a few months until the snow flies once again. I sure will miss everyone, especially them kids, but I plan on making this another best summer of my life.

Stay safe everyone and God Bless.

Jim and Trooper Oly


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