The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Clothing Drive Thanks

The Great Lincoln Clothing Giveaway was a success!

Thank you - Thank you - Thank you to all those who donated clothes and shopped for clothes, and to our amazing volunteers: Heidi & Doug Vulcan, Bob Frank-Plumlee, Rich Paul, our two Sues - Andersen & Howsmon, Sandy Caudill, Mandy & Destiny Cox, Dixie Kibbe, Yavonna Mullens, Jane Ordway, Lea Railing and Marge Beckman.

Thank you too to Becky & Teresa Garland, Nyle & Sue Howsmon and Dean Yonkovich for the loan of their clothing racks.

And a BIG thank you to those who loaded up their trucks to take our "leftovers" to Helena charities: Barney VandenBos, Marge Beckman, Jane Ordway, John Skepca and Sandy Caudill.

Kudos to publicity folks - Erin & Roger Dey - BVD, Darci Goodrich - Helena Independent Record, Karl Puckett - Great Falls Tribune, The Missoulian and our wonderful Dawn Charron, who blasted a message out every day on Facebook!

A special thank you to Kate Radford for email printing, etc .; to Jonathan Carpenter (grandson-in-law) for creating our poster, and Leianne (granddaughter) & Jonathan for helping to distribute our posters; to Helena - Fire Dept. for face masks, and Lowe's for hand sanitizer, and to Lincoln's own Jesse Sallin for the beautiful original face masks. We did it.

Renee & Ernie and folks donated $168 to the Community Hall.

People in Lincoln are great and I'm glad to have been a part of this community for the past 16 summers.

Ginger Stocks


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