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Lincoln Telephone Roundup supporting local organizations for 20-plus years

The Lincoln Telephone Company has been offering their "Round Up" service to support local organizations since 1999.

In that time, donations have totaled more than $36,000 said Aaron Daniel, Lincoln Telephone Company manager.

Customers can select to "round up" their monthly bill to the next dollar to donate funding to Lincoln organizations. Lincoln Telephone recently started promoting the opportunity for customers to round up even more, allowing them to select the additional amount they want to donate on each bill.

When the program first started, monthly donations averaged about $90. "Now it's between $170-$200 on average," said Daniel.

Each month, a different Lincoln organization receives the roundup funding. Lincoln Telephone focus on supporting "nonprofit organizations that help Lincoln so that it goes back to the community in one way or another," said Daniel.

July's roundup of $206.19 went to the Lincoln Senior Center, and June's round of $190.70 went to the Lincoln Library.

Other organizations that receive funding include the Community Hall, the Blackfoot Valley Historical Society, and Santa's Workshop.

Daniel said they've stuck with the same 12 organizations since the program started, but Lincoln Telephone is open to supporting other Lincoln nonprofits.

"Anything that's helping out Lincoln," said Daniel. "If they think they might qualify, they can just come in and talk to us."

Lincoln Telephone makes additional donations to local communities besides the Round Up, said Daniel. "We cover Canyon Creek, too. We contribute to their fire department, also," said Daniel, as well as to the schools in both Lincoln and Canyon Creek.


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