The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Advice from 1891: How to get along

From 'The Circle of Useful Knowledge; for the use of farmers, mechanics, merchants, manufacturers, surveyors, housekeepers, professional Men, Etc., Etc., Etc.' by Charles Kinsley

How to get along.

Do not stop to tell stories in business hours. If you have a place of business, be there during business hours, No man can get rich by lounging in stores and saloons. Never "fool" in business matters. Have order, system, regularity, liberality, and promptness. Never purchase an article you do not need. Endeavor to avoid hard words and personalities. Time is money. Do not kick every stone in the path, more miles can be made in a day by going steadily on than by stopping. Pay as you go. A man of honor respects his word as he does his bond. Aid, but never beg. Help others when you can, but never give what you cannot afford to, simply because it is fashionable. Learn to say "no" firmly and respectfully. Use your own brains rather than those of others. Learn to think and act for yourself. Be vigilant. Keep ahead rather than behind the times. Have but few confidants, and the fewer the better.


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