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Letter: Law vs. Morality

As a prosecutor I once was assigned a case where-in the Highway patrol watched a man load up his truck with railroad ties from a pile next to the tracks. After he left the siding and was on a public road, they made a stop and arrested him for theft.

Sounds like an open and shut case doesn't it? Problem was the railroad couldn't prove they owned the ties. They were not marked and are purchased in bulk then distributed where needed by a variety of workers, identities unknown. Even proving the railroad owned the siding was problematic.

Now according to the rule of law the man wasn't a thief because it couldn't be proven; but that doesn't mean I'm a liar if I say he stole the ties.

The Constitution requires that each State Legislature set the rules governing the selection of the Congress and President/Vice President. In the last election some election officials in some States changed the rules purportedly to accommodate COVID-19 problems. They mass mailed unrequested ballots. Allowed votes by mail, 24hr. drive-up windows, off site ballot boxes and harvesting by paid operators.

Vote counting was irregular to say the least. Observers were not allowed to be close enough to observe counters; windows were covered with paper blocking viewing and late- night counting without observers after most vote counters had been sent home. For some reason these late counts always reversed substantial Trump leads into Biden leads.

Democrats claim it was a fair election and not "stolen". Lawsuits were filed but in most cases the courts refused to hear them. Courts won't hear a case until all other remedies are exhausted and of course no judge in his right mind wants to get involved in a Presidential election. In this case the remedy lies with the State Legislatures Certification process.

The NFL Commissioner and National Football League make rules for football. If due to COVID-19 they changed the rules before the 2021 Super Bowl and disallowed any player over forty from playing then Brady wouldn't have played and more than likely Mahomes would have taken the Chiefs to a Victory over the Buccaneers. Buccaneers fans would have cried foul but the rules would have been followed and no Court could overturn it.

The 2020 election wasn't stolen in a legal sense because it can't be proven but it was in a moral sense.That ain't no lie!

Gary Fitzpatrick



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