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Letter: Life Among Criminals

Every day I open my E-mail account and see attempts to defraud and steal. I know I have to be very careful what I open or risk identity fraud or losing everything I have to someone who will manipulate my information to take over my accounts and titles. Law enforcement can do very little to help because these criminals usually live in other parts of the world and are hard to trace.

It is disturbing to realize that the computer we all now must use is more dangerous than the jungle path or ghetto street. Literally no place is safe. We must depend on passwords, virus defense programs, personal vigilance and luck to avoid becoming a victim.

Most Montana people live in areas without constant fear of pic-pockets, burglary, assault etc. In short we are still living in communities where you don't need to be religious about locking your house or car or having alarm systems, chain link fence with razor wire and neighborhood watch programs. Most Montanans are moral and ethical so in our day to day lives crime is not foremost in our thoughts until we open the computer where the immoral unethical sleazeballs live; waiting for the naive careless or unlucky, to fall into their trap.

It's bad enough we have to deal with immoral, lying, unprincipled, greedy, criminal, sleezeballs on the internet; at least we have some way to defend ourselves. Not true though, with the Democrat's that control our country; including our own Senator Tester who will vote to destroy our fossil fuel and mining dependent economy while claiming he is a farmer with Montana values representing our best interest.

Biden wants to spend three Trillion on programs claiming 80 percent want them. How is that possible; when neither he, nor any other Democrat and certainly the voters have read or know what all is in the bill. He claims it will cost zero and the rich and corporations will pay knowing full well everyone will pay with higher prices, inflation and fewer jobs.

Their purpose for everything they are doing is to try and steal the country. They are citizens but not Americans and by exaggerating claims about racism, sexism, climate change and poverty they hope to steal America and turn it into Bizzaroland.

Americans believe in individual opportunity and responsibility. We only have three sexes man, woman and extremely confused.

Gary Fitzpatrick

Lewistown, Mont.


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