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Water is flowing again at the Community Garden

Thanks to some very generous people, the Lincoln Community Garden has water and is up and running again for the gardening season.

In April, the Lincoln Community Garden had a problem with their water pump, which eventually failed and needed to be replaced.

Gary and Nancy Zadick and Ernie and Renee Lundberg made monetary donations, while Tony Tams, Fred Rowley, Justin Moler, Mark Smith, and Rick Dolson donated time, materials and labor. In addition, Tel Menard filled a water tank and left it with the garden so plots could be watered until the pump was installed and the electricity rewired.

The garden members Colinda Bouma, Sophia Cheff, Libby Davis, Lori & Bob Dormady, Gwen Hendricks, Don Iles, Tammy Jordan, Kate Radford, Emily Rundell, Linell Story and Kathy Tams would like to thank everyone who had a part in helping the community garden move forward this year. Without the assistance of a generous community willing to work together, the garden would have been facing a very difficult time. It was a group effort and everyone is grateful for the help.

In addition to caring for their own plots, garden members have also contributed to and planted in the large community plot. The community plot will provide items available for sale at the upcoming Farmer's Markets, as well as other items available for donation to the Senior Center, local food banks and those in need later in the season.


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