The Blackfoot Valley's News Source Since 1980

Open burning closed as warm weather dries out fuels

As you may have noticed, burning is closed.

We do this every July/August and depending on fire conditions, into September. This has been the same for years. We have kept it open if it was unusually wet, but that’s pretty rare.

There are numerous reasons why.

First and foremost is because of fire danger. Just because it’s pretty green right now, there are places in our protection that have dried out faster. The south facing hillsides and bare slopes with lots of cheat grass cure out in a matter of days. There has been all spring to burn, and we would rather not be dealing with burn piles that weekenders have started and failed to extinguish 100 percent, runaway fires from the wind kicking up unexpectedly, and just simple accidents that could be avoided by burning when it’s wet in the spring or fall.

We only have so many resources and we already have to deal with fires caused by lightning, cigarettes thrown out car windows, dragging trailer chains, abandoned campfires, and accidental machinery starts. We don’t need to add to it by burning debris that could have been burned in the spring, or can be burned in the fall.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. This does NOT have anything to do with having a campfire and roasting some dogs and having a beverage. Just don’t burn your needles, leaves and other debris in your campfire. There’s a big difference in how split wood ashes out and pine needles ash out. Needles and small debris or cardboard burn, turn to ash, float in the air and get into the trees or nearby dry grass. Split wood doesn’t. And you tend to hang around the campfire more, keeping an eye on it while you’re having a nice night under the stars roasting dogs and having a beverage.

Please make sure if you leave, you fully extinguish it. Water/mix/water/mix until its cold to the touch. We have campfires left every week that weren’t put out right and can reignite when the wind picks up. Don’t let carelessness burn down the hills. Or someone’s house.  

 We all live here and have to deal with the consequences so we just try to mitigate what we can, and educate where we can’t. We need everyone’s help to keep the valley safe.

See smoke? Let us know. See an abandoned campfire that is still burning? Let us know. If it doesn’t look right, let us know. You are all our eyes and ears.

We appreciate all the help tremendously.

Any questions, please feel free to give me a shout. Be safe and play safe.


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