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From My Perspective: Spinning Together and Overcoming Fears

So, this past week I participated in a worldwide spinning competition.

I've done this every year since 2013 during the first week of October. That week is known as National Weaving and Spinning week. In past years, the competition was run by The National Needlework Association and was called "Spinzilla."

Two years ago, the TNNA decided they would no longer be hosting the competition and a couple of individuals got together and began "Spin Together." A couple of people who had never done anything like this before took it on, probably quite fearfully so, and turned it into a wonderful event that brings spinners together from all over the world for a common interest and competitive nature.

I'm pretty grateful they stepped up to the plate and created a new competition in place of the other. Clearly, by the numbers, I'm not the only one who feels this way. To give you an idea of how many people actually participate in this event, this year there were 27 teams with approximately 25 people per team. That's about 675 people who spin yarn, just like I do!

At the beginning of the competition, we're all asked to set some goals. For some, it's just spinning on their wheels or spindles every day during the competition. For others, it's to spin an hour a day or a certain number of yards or miles each day or for the week. In past years, I'd always set my goal for a mile of yarn spun and generally hit it.

This year, I decided to strive for something a little more, or, technically, a lot more. My goal? =To spin five miles of yarn. I'm a little competitive (who would have guessed?), and maybe even a little crazy (my family and close friends guessed THAT a long time ago). So, a five mile goal, but what I forgot to factor in... my dominant arm still in a sling from an injury. No worries, I thought, I'll at least give it the "ole college try."

Another goal I had for the team this year was to somehow help us feel united, like partners for a common goal, and be unstoppable. But how? We had members from the East Coast, West Coast, Canada, and other locations. One of the Montana members suggested Zoom virtual spin-ins, where we could spin together from far away. There was only one problem...I'd have to overcome my fear of technology and leading a Zoom problem (gulp).

So, I created a Zoom account and learned how to set up meetings. I set up six virtual spin-in meetings to be exact and hosted these team spin-ins for an hour each day of the competition. What I didn't realize is that by overcoming my fear of technology, not only would I spin a bunch of yarn, but I would also spin together some relationships and make some new friends along the way.

About the third call in, the following thought came to me. "How cool is it that there are so many people who have the same interest and can come together from all over the word to share their passion, meet one another, and do something they enjoy?" My answer? "Pretty darn cool!"

During one of our last virtual spin-ins, one of the participants asked if we could still get together once a month to see how we're all doing because they really enjoyed meeting the people and putting faces with names of their teammates. In November, I'll be keeping my familiarity with Zoom and scheduling monthly virtual spin-ins for us.

I'd like to invite you to be open to things, even the things that scare and intimidate you. If you do, you might just find new friends, new hobbies, or get over the fear that holds all of us back from the great things we're capable of.

So, that five-mile goal. It was lofty, but wasn't really what mattered. I spun, gave it all I had, and I participated with friends new and old. While I didn't quite make it to five miles, I spun more than I did last year, coming in just over a mile-and-a-half. I'm already looking forward to next year when the competition comes back around. I'm hoping I'll still be open to the new technology at that time, and looking forward to setting more realistic, rather than lofty goals... oh, and having the use of both of my arms again!


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