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It's None of Your Business

Series: From My Perspective | Story 14

There are several things in life that are personal in nature. Some remain private forever, while others are private things you talk over with close friends and family. Politics, religion, health issues and the like are some of those things I see as personal and often private. So why in the world does everyone think it’s their business whether any of us choose to get, or not to get, a vaccine for COVID?

In the last two weeks alone I have been asked more than a dozen times whether I have gotten or plan to get a vaccine. I feel like that’s asking me if I take birth control. Frankly, neither are anyone’s business but my own. Of those people, there are those who have said or implied that by not getting a vaccine, I’m not doing my part to “stop the spread,” while others say or imply that by getting it I’m just “falling into line” or “being compliant.”

So here I am, feeling annoyed with strangers, as well as with people I know and like, because I feel like my privacy is being infringed upon.

Never, throughout this whole pandemic, have I asked anyone if they have gotten COVID, gotten the vaccine, why they do or don’t wear a mask. I’ve never questioned anyone’s ability to stay home, go out, be afraid or live life. I respect people and their privacy enough to let people live their lives and do what works for them.

Additionally, in the last several weeks, as things have begun opening up in our state and around the country, I’ve been seeing more people I haven’t seen in the last year. They smile and we hug (those of us who always have hugged) and the first thing out of their mouth is “I’m good, I got my vaccine” or “I’m fully vaccinated.” I think to myself ‘that’s more information than I need to know’ and smile and say “it’s good to see you.”

Is the vaccine the be-all end-all? I don’t know, but here’s what I do know: whether or not you or I get a vaccine is our own business and no one else’s.

I won’t ask you if you got one or chose not to get one. If you tell me you did or didn’t, I won’t hold either against you. It’s your choice, just as it is mine. I also want to just remind everyone that not all people can or should get this vaccine. There are those folks who physically cannot take vaccines, or certain medications, cannot eat certain foods, or may just not feel comfortable with this particular vaccine. Getting a vaccine is a choice, as is not getting one. Fortunately, it’s one we can currently make for ourselves.

What I do know is the decision I made for myself.

Yes, I’m about to share this personal information in the hope it helps some of the people who have said I’m not doing my part to understand why some may not get a vaccine. I also hope it might help others who can’t or don’t want to get the vaccine a little encouragement to do what’s right for them and maybe - just maybe - show people that the freedom to choose is why we live in America.

I know that due to my medical history, my severe allergies to medications, insect bites, food and my history with having reactions to previous vaccines, the likelihood of a severe reaction to this vaccine is pretty high. Along with health care professionals and my naturopath, I have decided the vaccine is not a good idea. The risks are too high for the benefit. Also, given the fact that I’ve already had COVID and the new studies out just last week linking some of the more serious reactions to the vaccine are from those who had the virus and then the vaccine, cements in my mind even more that it’s not a good fit for me. Lastly, I donate blood every time I’m able. They check each time for COVID antibodies. I’m happy to report those antibodies, which show I have had the virus and my immune system is doing its job, are still present.

For those of you reading this thinking “she’s just anti-vaccine,” I’m here to tell you I’m not against vaccines. They have been developed throughout time to make our world better. As with any medication or vaccine, I read and research whether they are a good fit for me; not for you, for me. Because at the end of the day we all have to make those decisions for ourselves. We have to decide what is right for us. In the end, it’s really nobody else’s business what and how we choose.


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